Gummy Smile Reduction

Want to fix a gummy smile?

A gummy smile isn’t always a health concern, but many of our patients find them aesthetically displeasing. Thankfully, fixing a gummy smile is possible! we offer Botox as an effective solution for gummy smiles. This modern procedure relaxes facial muscles and lets your upper lip rest easily over your gum tissue. 

Depending on your situation, alternative gummy smile reduction treatments may include veneers, dental crowns, or Invisalign.

We’d love to evaluate your situation and put together a personalized treatment plan to perfectly balance the appearance of your teeth, gums, and lips. Give us a call today at (91) 9818741088 to request an appointment.

What is a gummy smile?

A smile is considered “gummy” when it shows an excess of gingival tissue (3 mm or more). This cosmetic concern is more common among women than men, especially those in their 20s and 30s. Often a gummy smile is the result of your unique genetics. Other factors may also be at play, including:

  • Abnormal tooth eruption
  • Improper bite
  • Muscular issues
  • Hyperactive upper lip

Gummy smile reduction through Botox

  • Dental implants
  • Crowns
  • Teeth whitening
  • Veneers
  • Dental bridges
  • Botox

Gummy smile reduction through Botox

Interested in Botox to fix a gummy smile in Liberty? Here’s what you can expect:

    1. We’ll use 3D imaging technology to ensure we have the full picture of your dental and gum health before recommending Botox.
    2. Botox is injected above your smile to relax the muscles that cause the upper lip to excessively lift.
    3. Botox is a quick and simple treatment. You won’t feel much more than a quick pinch and that’s it!
    4. The comfortable procedure takes about 10 minutes. You’ll begin to see improvements in just a few days!

Your questions about gummy smiles, answered

Is a gummy smile unattractive?

If you have a gummy smile, talk with your dentist. As long as there isn’t a medical reason to fix a gummy smile, you should never feel pressured to change the appearance of your smile. We want you to feel confident about your smile — whatever that means for you, we’re here to offer support.

Will a gummy smile go away on its own?

A gummy smile will not improve on its own.

Is a gummy smile bad for my health?

A gummy smile isn’t always a health concern and thus is not always necessary to fix. Often those with a gummy smile face issues like inflamed and painful gums, as well as gum disease and bad breath. Talk to your dentist about whether or not your gummy smile is putting your dental health at risk.